Another significant phenomenon has been that during the past few decades industry has moved through a series of amazing discoveries. It found that Engineering could prevent accidents. It also found that workers could be reached through educational techniques and brought to a greater awareness of the problems and the method of combating the same. In this discovery of what is called the five E’ s of SAFETY , Engineering, Education, Enforcement, Enthusiasm and Evaluation. To ensure safe performance and constantly lower accident figures, two aspects have become important.The works and plant must be engineered for safety. This implies that all new plants and processes should be examined closely from safety point of view before being put into operations and must be constantly observed to see that everything is done to minimise the possibility of employees being injured by such equipment. This calls for training in the safety as well as other technical skills.
The second aspect is that of educating the workers and emphasising the supervisors, their skill and vital role in prevention of accidents ,avoiding breakdowns and hampering of production which could be accomplished by simple instructions. As such, it is a long drawn out process requiring a steady and well organised campaign to ensure that every employee is trained in safety, the very day he starts work as well as in the other skills necessary for his particular job.
Accidents at the workplace can result in varying degrees of harm to people. Some of these injuries may be minor, others serious enough to cause handicaps or disability. Besides affecting employee productivity and morale, such incidents result in considerable pain and suffering to the victims and members of the family. There is thus a need for everyone in the workplace to have a basic knowledge of injury risks and personal protection practices.